Since November 2024, I am Assistant Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics of the University of Gdańsk. From January 2024 to October 2024 I was Junior Professor (CPJ) for Quantum Algorithms at the Bordeaux Computer Science Laboratory, where I also headed the Quantum information and Computation Group. From 2021 to 2023 I led the Quantum Error Correction Group at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

I was a postdoctoral fellow in the groups of Antonio Acín at ICFO Barcelona and David Gross at the University of Cologne (2018-2020). I was PhD student at the University of Siegen (2014-2017), advised by Otfried Gühne. My thesis won the 2019 Dissertation Prize by the section AMOP of the German Physical Society.

I’m an Editor at Quantum (2024-) and program committee member for QIP 2025.


Research Interests

I work on the characterization of quantum correlations like entanglement and nonlocality, on quantum error correction (theory & experimental proposals), and on mathematical optimization in quantum information and computation. I also do a bit of mathematics in the field of on non-commutative algebra.

I like problems such as quantum Max Cut, the quantum marginal problem, making connections to graph theory, the detection of entanglement, quantum zero-error communication, and coding bounds :)

I also enjoy noncommutative algebra, including tensor polynomial identities and matrix inequalities.


Previous members:



You can find my work on arXiv, ORCiD, and Google Scholar.

[27] Positivity of state, trace, and moment polynomials, and applications in quantum information
Felix Huber, Victor Magron, and Jurij Volčič
arXiv. Accepted at Springer reference project Operator Theory II.

[26] Second order cone relaxations for quantum Max Cut
Felix Huber, Kevin Thompson, Ojas Parekh, and Sevag Gharibian

[25] SDP bounds on quantum codes
Gerard Anglès Munné, Andrew Nemec, and Felix Huber

[24] Uncertainty relations from state polynomial optimization
Moisés Bermejo Morán and Felix Huber
arXiv. Physical Review Letters 132, 200202 (2024)

[23] Entanglement detection with trace polynomials
Albert Rico and Felix Huber
arXiv. Physical Review Letters 132, 070202 (2024)

[22] Bell inequalities with overlapping measurements
Moisés Bermejo Morán, Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, and Felix Huber
arXiv. Physical Review Letters 131, 080201 (2023)

[21] Refuting spectral compatibility of quantum marginals
Felix Huber and Nikolai Wyderka

[20] Engineering holography with stabilizer graph codes
Gerard Anglès Munné, Valentin Kasper, and Felix Huber
arXiv. npj Quantum Information 10, 48 (2024)

[19] Positive maps from the walled Brauer algebra
Maria Balanzó-Juandó, Michał Studziński, and Felix Huber
arXiv. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 115202 (2024)

[18] Dimension-free entanglement detection in multipartite Werner states
Felix Huber
Oberwohlfach report Geometry and Optimization in Quantum Information (2021)

[17] Dimension-free entanglement detection in multipartite Werner states
Felix Huber, Igor Klep, Victor Magron, and Jurij Volčič
arXiv. Communications in Mathematical Physics 396, 1051–1070 (2022)

[16] Matrix forms of immanant inequalities
Felix Huber and Hans Maassen

[15] Conjugate logic
Niklas Johansson, Felix Huber, and Jan-Åke Larsson
arXiv. Chapter in The Quantum-Like Revolution: A Festschrift for Andrei Khrennikov, 157-180, Springer International Publishing (2023)

[14] Tensor polynomial identities
Felix Huber and Claudio Procesi
arXiv. Israel Journal of Mathematics 247, 125-147 (2022)

[13] Universal quantum computation and quantum error correction with ultracold atomic mixtures
Valentin Kasper, Daniel González-Cuadra, Apoorva Hegde, Andy Xia, Alexandre Dauphin, Felix Huber, Eberhard Tiemann, Maciej Lewenstein, Fred Jendrzejewski, and Philipp Hauke
arXiv. Quantum Science and Technology 7, 015008 (2021)

[12] Entropic proofs of Singleton bounds for quantum error-correcting codes
Markus Grassl, Felix Huber, and Andreas Winter
arXiv. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 68, 6 (2022)

[11] Quantum error-correcting codes and their geometries
Simeon Ball, Aina Centelles, and Felix Huber
arXiv. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré D: Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions, 10(2), 337-405 (2023)

[10] Positive maps and trace polynomials from the symmetric group
Felix Huber
arXiv. Journal of Mathematical Physics 62, 022203 (2021)

[9] Quantum codes of maximal distance and highly entangled subspaces
Felix Huber and Markus Grassl
arXiv. Quantum 4, 284 (2020)

[8] Exponentially many entanglement and correlation constraints for multipartite quantum states
Christopher Eltschka, Felix Huber, Otfried Gühne, and Jens Siewert
arXiv. Physical Review A 98, 052317 (2018)

[7] Some Ulam’s reconstruction problems for quantum states
Felix Huber and Simone Severini
arXiv. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 435301 (2018)

[6] Quantum States and their Marginals: From Multipartite Entanglement to Quantum Error-Correcting Codes
Felix Huber
PhD Thesis, Universität Siegen (2018)

[5] Constraints on correlations in multiqubit systems
Nikolai Wyderka, Felix Huber, and Otfried Gühne
arXiv. Physical Review A 97, 060101(R) (2018)

[4] Bounds on absolutely maximally entangled states from shadow inequalities, and the quantum MacWilliams identity
Felix Huber, Christopher Eltschka, Jens Siewert, and Otfried Gühne
arXiv. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 175301 (2018)
Selected for Highlights 2018 of the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.

[3] Almost all four-particle pure states are determined by their two-body marginals
Nikolai Wyderka, Felix Huber, and Otfried Gühne;
arXiv. Physical Review A 96, 010102(R) (2017)

[2] Absolutely maximally entangled states of seven qubits do not exist
Felix Huber, Otfried Gühne, and Jens Siewert
arXiv. Physical Review Letters 118, 200502 (2017)

[1] Characterizing ground and thermal states of few-body Hamiltonians
Felix Huber and Otfried Gühne
arXiv. Physical Review Letters 117, 010403 (2016)



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